Ernestyna Orlowska & Tanja Turpeinen

Wishing Well is a choreographed piece about the comical side of melancholia and Justin Bieber‘s Philosophy: Follow your dreams and don‘t let anybody stop you. Tanja and Ernestyna created two characters that remind the viewer of something between a fairy and a depressed plastic surgeon and they let them explore, what the comical side of melancholia could possibly be. Does that tension-promising concept of melancholia that is comical even exist? They explore together topics like healthy nutrition, friendship and the possibility of a real wishing well. Now all their dreams could come true, but how to know what they should wish for?

Über die Künstler_innen

Tanja and Ernestyna met 2014 during their Master Studies in expanded Theater/ Physical Theater in Berne and Verscio. Since 2015 they are working together in various performance projects. They share an interest for the generic elements of popculture, put in a new context.


Choreografie & Performance: Tanja Turpeinen & Ernestyna Orlowska
Kostüme & Ausstattung: Ernestyna Orlowska
Ko-Produktion: Rote Fabrik Zürich


» 25.11.2017 – 20 Uhr
» Rottstr. 5 Kunsthallen, Bochum
» Tickets
